Enjoy this short video highlighting the organization and includes a glimpse behind the scenes of one of our adult program days.
Adult Program
The Leadership Forsyth Adult Program is a leadership development program that provides both classroom and community training to people at all levels of their leadership journey. For over 30 years, Leadership Forsyth has inspired and connected leaders so as to strengthen our ever growing community..

Thank You to our Sponsors!

Youth Program
Youth Leadership Forsyth (YLF) is a leadership development and community awareness program for high school juniors seeking to further develop and enhance their individual potential.
Leadership Forsyth Community Statement
Leadership Forsyth’s mission is to empower and connect a diverse group of leaders who serve as a catalyst for a vibrant community. The goal of the organization has always been to develop community leaders. Leaders are needed in times of crisis and our history from inception values this preparation and training. Our values affirm that leadership is consistent, transparent, and concerned for all members of the community we serve. We know no greater mission than to develop leaders who love, serve and sacrifice for the good of all. For over three decades, Leadership Forsyth has aspired to this mission and empowered hundreds of leaders in this community. We expect those leaders to possess the initiative and team building skills to undertake causes reflective of our community values. Leadership Forsyth is proud to have made a difference in creating a prosperous, understanding and thriving community which we are proud to call home.

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