Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Options

Thank you for your interest in financially supporting Leadership Forsyth through sponsorships! Your donation will help us continue our mission to empower and connect a diverse group of leaders who serve as a catalyst for a vibrant community. Your commitment to LF is vital to helping our adult, youth and alumni programs grow and offer more opportunities to the community and individuals we serve. There are several different ways you can support LF through sponsorships. One option is our annual fundraiser, The Grape Escape, which is held the last Saturday in January every year. This event hosts over 200 individuals and vendors and has sold out every year! Sponsoring this event is a great way to show your support of the organization while also promoting your business. Leadership Forsyth also offers various levels of program and alumni event sponsorship opportunities. Each of the sponsorship levels offer different levels of exposure for your company. However, no matter what level of sponsorship you choose, Leadership Forsyth is very grateful for you and your support! Thank you for helping us continue our mission, vision and values. Lead on!
Class Day Host Sponsor:  $2,500 (Multiple Available)
  • Recognition on Website, Social Media Outlets, and all other Electronic and Printed Class day materials
  • Recognition at ALF and/or YLF Class Day Hosted
  • Industry Exclusivity
  • Tour of Company/Facility if Applicable to Class Day

Leadership Partner Sponsor:  $1,500 (Multiple Available)
  • Recognition on Website, Social Media Outlets, and all other Electronic and Printed Materials
  • Recognition at ALF and/or YLF Sponsored Class Day
  • Industry Exclusivity on the Class Day Sponsored
  • Speaking Opportunity on Sponsored Class Day
Leadership Forsyth Class Day Lunch Sponsor: $1000 (Multiple Available)
  • Recognition on Website, Social Media Outlets, and all other Electronic and Printed Materials
  • Recognition at the sponsored day as well as an opportunity to distribute information on company.
  • Industry Exclusivity on the sponsored program day
  • Speaking Opportunity at sponsored Alumni Event
Supporting Sponsor:  $500 (Multiple Available)
  • Recognition on Website, Social Media Outlets, and all other Electronic Materials
  • Recognition at ALF and/or YLF Sponsored Class Day
  • Speaking Opportunity on Sponsored Class Day
Transportation Sponsor:  $250 (Multiple Available for either the Youth Leadership or Adult leadership class day)
  • Recognition at ALF and/or YLF Sponsored Class Day

Become a Sponsor